Market Report displays the current Jemalong Wool Market Bulletin detailing both physical and futures wool values. Market movements are displayed graphically as are SFE futures prices relative to the spot.

Table 1: Western Market Prices

Current Price -current closing Fremantle fleece price

Weekly Change - difference between the close of the current week compared to the close of the selling week prior.

10 year average - average price per micron calculated using 10 years data

Current Price to Average - represents the current price as a percentage of the 10-year average for example, 110% indicates that the current price is trading 10% higher than the average.

Table 2: Jemalong Wool Superfine Indicators

These indicators are quoted based on prices achieved by Jemalong Wool clients throughout the selling week. "n" will denote nominal lines used to calculate the indicator.

Figure 1: Western MPG Movements

Graphical display of price movements for 19, 20, 21 and 23 micron fleece wool in the west.

Market Outlook and Summary

Jemalong Wool view of the current market and factors that may affect the market outlook.

Table 3: Futures Price

Tabulates both SFE and Macquarie futures prices for every second month. This table also displays the difference between the quoted futures price for each delivery month and the current spot price.

Figures 2, 3 and 4 Futures vs Spot

These figures give and indication of the expected market movement for individual micron categories for future delivery months. The static red line represents the current spot price for the micron category. The moving blue line represents the SFE quotes for future months.