Before results can be viewed a season and sale number must be selected. For each option, click on the arrow to the right of the drop down menu to select the sale and season you require.

Choose another sale:


Click the button to display results.

Abbreviations shown are as follow

Lot No – Lot number for which the line was sold under

Ref No – Unique reference number for which the line is stored in Jemalong Wool wool system.

Sample – kilograms of the sample taken for testing

OW – kilograms for overweight potion of bales in the line

Price – greasy sale price received for the line (c/kg)

Value* - Gross proceeds excluding samples

Sample Value* - Gross proceeds from samples

OW* - Gross proceeds from sale of wool removed from overweight bales

Gross Proceeds* - Proceeds from wool sold, samples and any wool removed from overweight bales

Core Test* - Testing charges taken from proceeds for the line(s) sold in the selected sale

W&S Fees* – warehousing and selling charges for line(s) sold in the selected sale

Ins* – Insurance paid on the wool sold in the selected sale

AWEX levy* - levy paid to the Australian Wool Exchange for wool sold in the selected sale

* All values inclusive of GST


To view the measurements for wool sold in a sale, click the select box to the right of the line(s) then click the Measurements button.


Similarly, to view the histogram on any one or a combination of lines, select the line(s) then click the Histogram button.