Change My Profile
The Change my Profile screen allows the client to view his/her current details stored on the Jemalong Wool database. These details include contact details, bank account numbers etc. If a change to any of these details is required, the update should be entered in the box corresponding. To update the new details in the Jemalong Wool database, click the submit button located at the base of the screen.

Fields that cannot be changed online include:

1. Code - username for the website and the code that is used as the access point into the Jemalong Wool database. This code cannot be modified.

2. Exotic Breed Dec Complete - Displays "Yes" where Jemalong Wool are in receipt of the declaration form documenting the presence of exotic breeds on farm or not. If "No", Jemalong Wool require you to complete this declaration form and send to Jemalong Wool immediately. An exotic breed declaration form is available in the Jemalong Wool Classers Speci Book.

3. Chem Residue Dec Complete - Displays "Yes" where Jemalong Wool are in receipt of the declaration form documenting which pesticide chemicals (if any) have been applied throughout the wool growing season. If "No", then Jemalong Wool are not in receipt of your declaration. A Chemical residue declaration form is available in the Jemalong Wool Classers Speci Book.